Cayuse Native Solutions has hired Jiselle Halfmoon as its Digital Marketing Specialist. She will lead the company's marketing efforts as well as provide services to CNS customers in the areas of graphics design, website development, conference app development, and social media management.

Jiselle brings over 15 years of communications and marketing experience, including creative and leadership roles.
She was part of the 2007 startup team at Cayuse Technologies working as a software developer and then transitioning into testing for clients on deployment in Texas and Arizona. She returns to the Cayuse family of companies after various roles with the Communications Department for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CNS company owner), as well as doing freelance work in digital marketing.
At CTUIR she served as the Operations Manager for KCUW radio, public information officer during the pandemic (as well as flooding and wildfires that occurred on the Umatilla Indian Reservation), and most recently as the Interim Communications Director where she oversaw administrative operations for the Tribes Legislative Affairs, monthly newspaper publication (Confederated Umatilla Journal), community radio station (KCUW), tribal government websites and official social media channels and was key in shaping the Tribe's newly developed mobile app (Cay-Uma-Wa Camp Crier).
Jiselle will take the lead on marketing and design for Cayuse Native Solutions as it works to expand its services throughout Indian Country.
She will also be key to CNS's expansion of services to customers with digital marketing services such as graphics design, website development, conference app development, social media training / management, and design/interface for the Camp Crier mobile app.
Jiselle is an enrolled Cayuse and Umatilla citizen and a descendent of the Nez Perce Nation. She grew up on the Umatilla Reservation, where she resides with her mini–Australian Shepard, Hutch.