We've received funding from the National Digital Inclusion Alliance to create a digital inclusion program for the Umatilla Indian Reservation community. As a result, we are recruiting a community member to become our new Digital Navigator.
What is a Digital Navigator?
Digital navigators are trusted guides who assist community members in internet adoption and the use of computing devices. Digital navigation services include ongoing one-on-one assistance with affordable internet access, device acquisition, technical skills, and application support. The digital navigator model is a holistic, community-based, digital inclusion program established by NDIA and developed by the NDIA community of digital inclusion practitioners. See more information and resources at digitalinclusion.org/dn.
Here's the link to our job announcement, so please consider applying if you're from the Umatilla Reservation community and have a desire to help our community members learn digital skills, access new devices and serve as a resource.
Check out our recent blog post for more info on our digital inclusion program.
